Renminbi credit cards soar

The number of personal renminbi credit cards in Macau soared 21.9 percent quarter-to-quarter in the first three months of 2011, to almost 36,000. On an annual basis, renminbi cards soared 105.3 percent, according to the monetary authority. The total number of personal credit cards in circulation was 448,000 at the end of March 2011, representing an increase of 5.0 percent from a quarter ago. The credit card credit limit granted by banks in Macau reached MOP7.9 billion, up 3.7 percent from end-December 2010. Credit card receivables amounted to MOP1.2 billion while the rollover amount totalled MOP400 million, accounting for 37.7 percent of credit card receivables. The delinquency ratio, i.e. the ratio of delinquent amounts overdue for more than three months to credit card receivables, was 0.95 percent.