Union Gaming sees possible VIP surge after CNY

Union Gaming analyst Grant Govertsen says that Macau’s VIP gaming market could post a surge after the Lunar New Year holidays are over. “You might see a dynamic where starting next week … you might see a continued level of strength on the heels of VIP and premium guys who might have stayed away due to the big crowds,” Mr Govertsen told Bloomberg. “That might be unique to this year,” he added. “If there was ever a year where some VIP or premium-mass guys felt that they didn’t want to deal with the crowds, it would probably be this year.” Mr Govertsen noted that visitation levels during the festive period were above expectations, which is a “good sign” for the mass-market gaming segment. “The mass-market story during Chinese New Year and for all of 2013 is going to be very strong,” he said.