Paulo A. Azevedo

All Articles

- 131 POSTS

MB Sep | Deadly Inaction

It was inevitable that we would return to the theme of the origin of the...

商訊 Aug | 避免犯錯的時刻


MB Aug | Time to avoid a mistake

To a ‘normal’ citizen this news headline could not be more strange: ‘Macau’s policymakers will...

MB July | Lovely, incoherent little city

The top officials of the government continue to refuse to offer full explanations of the...

MB June | “Japan is our priority now”

To Lawrence Ho there’s now just one investment priority: Japan. Spain can wait. City of...

MB June | What’re the excuses now?

It will be very interesting to listen to the excuses of some of the major...

Macau | EXCLUSIVE: New project for Pac On Customs Services’ headquarters signed

The architecture and design project will cost MOP16,5 million

Macau | EXCLUSIVE: Paulo Rego assumes vice-presidency of Global Media holding

Journalist quits directorship of Plataforma Macau newspaper

See you… tomorrow!

It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that we say goodbye to this...

Grand addition

Jeju, the holiday destination island of South Korea, will have its Dream Tower Integrated Resort...

Cash to gamble

Lotte Tour is issuing convertible bonds to buy its casino licence in the Korean holiday...

Pagcor: No hurry to privatise government-owned casinos

Move defended by the Department of Finance will probably be kept on ice


多年來,我們都聽聞一個將使所有市民開心微笑的措 施:我們有可能一路開車進入橫琴。可以無須通常 需要的一切官僚主義證照、手續而過關,在澳門和 珠海共同管理的橫琴島地段暢通駕駛。 這本質上是項社會主義措施,而非精英主義舉措。沒有豐 厚資財亦沒有在橫琴島上投資開公司的澳門居民將被允許駕 車入出橫琴。最終,財資較少的人將享有與其他人一樣的特 權——後者甚至在粵澳合作開發橫琴計劃公佈之前已經知道橫 琴將會發展成甚麼樣子 。根據傳聞中的措施,甚至允許其他國 籍的澳門永久居民開車入出橫琴。 由於這種或那種原因 ,例如保險、新的過境口岸,以及其 他無人知道的因由,上述措施不斷推遲。 但澳門居民已習慣於 種種拖延,所以我們一直耐心地、靜靜地等待。 等待的結果是並非人人都可享橫琴駕駛。目前,只有少數 已在那裡投資的澳門人享有駕車進出橫琴的權利。現在可能有 一百個感興趣的司機。也許在一年內,這項措施將惠及那些在...

Shaping a revolution

Have you been to Hengqin lately? The not-so-long-ago almost deserted island is unrecognisable. And it’s...

Game on

New bills, new rules, new standards. And a house restructuring to face the new developments...

Game on

New bills, new rules, new standards. And a house restructuring to face the new developments...

Pontius Pilate syndrome

I don’t know why an investigation of land matters and land swaps has started. Or...

The saga of the cook and the resort

Not long ago, a local resort interviewed a candidate for the position of second class...

My First Blog Entry

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et...