Clock ticking for Beijing Imperial Palace

Beijing Imperial Palace, the doors of which were closed by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) on July 23, has yet to commence work on the property to fix its condition as it is “delivering requests to the Public Works office to conduct work but they [Beijing Imperial Palace] didn’t complete this part of the process yet,” says MGTO Director Helena de Senna Fernandes.
“At this moment, from what we know, they have yet to conduct any works on the property [Beijing Imperial Palace]. Just yesterday we received letters from the hotel saying that they are having difficulties in terms of documents coming in, in regard to the construction works.”
The hotel is facing complaints from travel agencies regarding allegedly unfulfilled contracts for 70,000 hotel rooms booked before the hotel’s closure. While the issue “is not under our supervision” the MGTO Director said “if they [the travel agencies] have proof the Consumer Council also can help on the topic […] these are commercial conflicts between various parties.”
With regard to a potential extension on the initially mandated six month deadline for improvements or closure, the MGTO head said only that “I can’t say that there won’t be other factors that might create another consideration. But at this moment our decision is not to prolong the deadline”. N.M & K.W.