Legislator’s sons fall foul of the law

The two sons of directly elected leg­islator Jose Pereira Coutinho have allegedly been involved in a drug bust and are currently under arrest, local news outlet MASTV reported. The two arrested – aged 31 and 27 – were allegedly in possession of MOP500,000-worth of cannabis. Coutinho responded to MASTV messages saying that he is very upset about the incident, commenting that he has been too busy and did not give enough attention to his sons. When asked whether the incident would affect his performance for the election next year, the legislator replied ‘maybe not’.
Regarding the case itself, MASTV has commented that the police force is repeatedly criticized for previously concealing information on cases involving suspects with ‘special’ identities. Information such as the occupations of the arrested brothers, as well as the time and the process of arrest, were not mentioned during the arrest announcement unlike general case releases.