Portugal: National Archive willing to take Mário Soares foundation artefacts

The director of Lisbon’s ‘Torre do Tombo’ National Archive said on Monday there had been contacts from the Mário Soares foundation (FMS) for the transfer of documents in their possession, as there is “availability” but he warned about “legal problems.”

“The FMS contracted us to know if we would be willing to receive the documents in their care,” said the director, Silvestre Lacerda.

“We told them we were happy to talk to FMS to find a solution to this matter,” he said.

Lacerda stressed that any decision as to the spoils can only be made “from the moment” they are entrusted to the archive, saying that the national library of Portugal can also be involved in the process, regarding certain spoils.

A source from the library told Lusa that it is monitoring the issue, particularly other spoils of other Portuguese literature names.

Lacerda said there is “a lot of documentation that is not owned by the foundation itself and is [there] in storage.”

“There are legal problems here regarding this matter which have to be weighed so that the best decision can be made,” he said.