Macau | Police warn of new scam by fake delivery company

Macau (MNA) – The Judiciary Police (PJ) issued an alert on Tuesday disclosing a recent scam method in which the victim receives phone calls from an alleged delivery company claiming it has lost the victim’s parcel and offering to fully compensate to the victim.

The PJ further indicated that victims would be asked to become friends on WeChat with the company. Victims are cheated after being convinced by the fraudster to make a loan online and having accessed links and QR codes (Quick Response Code) sent by the fraudster.

The PJ stated that there are currently no related complaints have been received in the city.

Authorities also warned residents to be cautious when receiving calls carrying the calling number display ‘00’ or ‘+’, and stay alert when the caller requests for a remittance or transfer amount.

Residents should also be careful and not providing any personal information or information about their families and reframe from accessing any suspicious websites or links.